Friday, July 17, 2020

Provide You Personal Coaching On Your Job Hunt


I am an MBA Career Services Professional, Recruiter, and Head of Hiring for several firms within Southern California.  With over 10 years in corporate and executive recruiting, interviewing over 5000 candidates within growing businesses, and multiple staffing agencies in several countries. 

What you Get from Our Session: 

  • Personalized Career Coaching and Consulting
  • Personalized Job Search and Job Hunt Coaching
  • Review and critique of your Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Account
  • Recommendations on Interviewing and Negotiation
  • Best Methods and Practices to reach Recruiters, Hiring Managers, and Employers

Hiring is constantly changing, so the need to stay ahead and know what companies and employers are looking for is essential.  I will help you to perform at your best and present your best self in order to get the best job possible.  I'm committed to your complete satisfaction and I welcome the opportunity to assist on your job hunt.  



Thank you. It was a pleasure working with you.


Ryan was very helpful with his comments and guidance !!

: : :

Provide You Personal Coaching On Your Job Hunt

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