Monday, September 7, 2020

Help You Recognize And Fulfill Your Potential


In everything I do, I believe in optimizing the potential of people. The way I optimize human potential is by building quality relationships and utilizing the skills I have acquired over the course of my global HR career, such as: 

  • Managing the development and growth of 30 early career associates.
  • Co-leading the creation of a talent mobility program for employees that spanned 60 countries.
  • Facilitating career empowerment sessions across functions, employee levels, and departments.
  • Leading the full talent management cycle including recruitment, development and engagement for the top educational institution in Africa. 

As one of my clients shared, "Andy, you helped open doors and opportunities for me that I never knew existed."

During our personalized session, I will empower you with the knowledge to recognize and fulfill your potential. Allow me to bring this empowerment to life through a customized career development plan, actionable feedback, and networking guidance.


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