Monday, December 7, 2020

Conduct Management Consulting Case Interview Trainings


Management consulting firms like McKinsey, BCG or Bain use case interviews in their recruiting process for new hires. A case interview lasts about 30 minutes during which you will analyse and solve a business problem. These cases are usually inspired from past consulting projects your interviewer will have worked on.

I will help you break it down and ace it within 3 mock interviews.

I started my career on Wall Street in finance before moving to management consulting across two top firms and now starting out on my own. I started this gig to help fresh graduates break into the professional service industry. I believe management consulting is one of the best starting job any fresh graduate should take up. 

Feel free to reach out to me, prices are negotiable as I donate most of my earnings from this to charity. #payingitforward



Yixin helped me clear the first round with McKinsey HK. His approaches are unique and helped me build business sense. We just finished prep for round 2 interviews.


Yinxi was very professional and helpful! He provided great feedback for my case interviews! Highly recommend!

: : :

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