Saturday, July 4, 2020

Help You Get A Job


Looking for a new position but struggling to navigate the new job market? Applying to many positions but not hearing anything back? Not sure what exactly you want to do yet but feeling pressured to figure it out?

THIS IS FOR YOU. Your pain point right now is time. You either don't have the time to properly spend on navigating the job market. Or you are spending time but not efficiently. 

Together we will change that. In just one hour (basic package) you will get a list of 5 job positions and 5 key contacts per position. 

Statistically there is a 30% on average conversation rate of outreach - interview. 

5 contacts x 5 companies = 25 messages

25 messages x 30% = 7 Engagements

7 Engagements = 7 Potential Interviews

Multiply this out by the package options for the most amount of interviews giving you the most amount of changes to get the position you want.

In these sessions we will work together on the below:

-Identifying Companies in the Industry/Industries you are interested in that align with your preference

-Proper Resume Formatting to be picked up by recruiters algorithms

-Customized Templates

-Interview Preparation


: : : : :

Help You Get A Job

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