Friday, July 24, 2020

Guide You To Avoid Or Master Workplace Conflicts


Workplace conflicts are a career killer. When you have to fight for your position and somebody in your company makes your life difficult, both of you will lose. A good boss will never promote people who fight with each other. Though you might see everything correct and the other is making a mistake, it doesn’t matter. 

In business it is not so much who is right or wrong, but who gets the job done.

If you spend your energy fighting, there is a huge chance you don’t get your job done.

In this gig I will listen to your situation and give you advice about how to solve an existing workplace conflict. Depending on the package you are buying the advice will be short pointers (30min), more detailed (45min), or detailed and some exercises (60min). There are different types of conflicts. Some can be handled with these gigs here, some might need more time to help you solve them.

Don’t have a workplace conflict? Great - I show you how to avoid them in the future and how to stay calm and productive in your job.


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Guide You To Avoid Or Master Workplace Conflicts

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