Friday, September 18, 2020

Help You Break Into The Tech Sales World And Make 6 Figures



My name is Ahmed Awad, I am a sales manager for a FinTech company in Toronto Canada. Over the last ten years I've been involved in the Tech Sales world. I've interviewed, hired, and promoted hundreds of people into numerous sales positions in tech. I also started as a Business Development Rep and worked my way up a 6 figure management role in just under 5 years!

I'm offering the following: 

- Career Coaching Sessions to understand the best fit for you in tech sales (think specific role, vertical, start-up size.) Each session is custom! 

- Resume Reviews to make sure when we find a suitable company and role you land an interview!

- Role Play Interviews so you feel prepared, confident, and ready to rock that big interview. 

- Job Submissions! I'll apply for job openings on your behalf! 

- Linkedin Profile Reviews. A very underrated source of finding GREAT jobs in the tech space is via LinkedIn. Let me optimize your profile to get the attention of hiring managers!

I've helped hundreds of people who've never been in the tech sales world before land jobs at Slack, Softchoice, Amazon, and many other tech startups across North America! 


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