Saturday, May 2, 2020

Industrial Engineering To Get The Best Of Your Company


More than of the 60% of the cost are invest at the Logistics and Manufacturing departaments. Many companies lost more than 100K € cause of fault of the raw materials and poor handling by employees. If you have interest to increase your production volumen with the same manufacturing team, and decrease your expenses.

Let me help you to optimize resources, take care of the manufacturing quality, reduce waste through unnecessary errors and trainning your team to do an efficient job.
As a result of this you will get long therm revenues, satisfied customers, motivated employees and a great place to work.
How I do this?

After an analysis of your case I will be able to develop your Manufactuing Process. I will see where you have a potencial saving to reduce your production costs. Specially I can suggest the best matching process for your company, e.g. kanban systems, just in time, pull on principles, lean manufacturing, coaching and employee training, quality Control. etc. Together we will set a target according of your requirements and budget. Thanks my experience at the industry career I can create usefull matrix tools to easier employees work.


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