Friday, May 15, 2020

Improve Your Interview Strategy And Skills


Nervous about that upcoming interview? Really want that promotion you're up for? Going through a job search and want to improve your chances of getting the position you want? This is where I can help.

As a seasoned manager and department head, I've been through literally hundreds of interviews (both as interviewee AND interviewer). I've had my successes, and I've certainly made my mistakes. But I've learned from all of it. And now I'm bringing that experience to Fivver so that YOU can benefit! I also have 2 management degrees, with specialities in organizational behavior, learning development and change management.  So I can totally get inside your interviewers' heads ;)

I use my years of real-world experience to help you prepare.  My coachings include: practice questions, response refinement and body language analysis.

For written analysis: you send me your CV and the target job description and I send back an analysis of what they are likely to emphasize, my impressions of your CV as a hiring manager, and where the synergies are. This comes with targeted likely interview questions based on that profile.  So hit me up, and let's get you hired!


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