Saturday, May 2, 2020

Help You Clarify Your Goal


Goals are beautiful, but the translation from a goal to an actionable plan can present problems like decision paralysis. I will help you gain a foothold amidst the grandness of your aspiration. 

Most of us already have the answers within. It's just that these truths often get lost in the mental flurry that arise at the prospect of going down a new or unfamiliar path. I offer an objective POV coupled with strong observational skills honed from years of wearing various hats whether as a writer, an entrepreneur, a UX designer, and a strategy analyst.

This gig is designed to help steer you towards a clearer perspective on your professional goal. You will receive a concise set of thought-provoking questions and/or actionable suggestions (up to 5 items) upon review and analysis of your professional profile. 


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