Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Help You To Explore Your Values And Shape Your Future


Hi there! Thanks for checking out this gig.

My name is Georg and I’m driven by my passion for values. Everyone of us has values, which strongly influence our lives. Values give us guidelines, tell us from our personal point of view, what is right or wrong and help us to make better and more sustainable decisions. Our emotional well-being is determined by how we - or others - treat our values. For example, if one of your values is performance, you will be happy to finish the requested report ahead of time and disappointed if you miss the deadline.

After completing my studies in Cambridge (UK), I wanted to understand why people act how they act. This made me discovered the concept of values and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Since that day, unraveling human behavior fuels me with energy.

I have more than 10 years of experience as a coach, supporting clients to discover their values. My clients are mainly managers from global companies like Allianz, Audi and Siemens. Now I bring value-coaching to a broader audience, as I believe that everyone deserves a happier, more fulfilled and successful life.

Know your values, shape your future!

Order your preferred package now


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