Monday, April 27, 2020

Provide A Quality Report For Writing Your Best Resume


Have you struggled to create a resume / CV for yourself? Are you wondering why the resume you've created isn't getting you noticed? Is your career stalling?

Most job seekers don't realize they are not configuring their resume in the correct manner. 

I am a career coach and I also work for a resume / CV writing company, where I construct resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles. For Fiverr, I have put together a report on how to write a resume, based on my coaching and resume writing experience.

This resume report will outline:

  • How to improve the chances of getting your resume noticed.
  • How to beat algorithms and scanning software that filter out even the best candidates
  • Why you should NOT send out a generic resume for all job applications, and how to tailor one to specific job roles.
  • The dangers of using a resume template found on the internet.
  • What parts of your career history you should and shouldn't be highlighting on your resume.

The report takes you through a resume step-by-step to show you how I approach writing resumes.

Improve your job-hunting chances by getting the resume report today!


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