Saturday, May 2, 2020

Make You An Outstanding Presenter And Public Speaker


This is the ideal package to prepare you for an important presentation so that it influences and establishes you as a leader on the fast track. 

I am Samir Aziz, a USA-based career and leadership coach with 15 years of career coaching experience having led as the C-level of a US$100M company and leader of a Fortune 50 company. 

This gig includes:

1. A mock presentation where you will deliver your presentation or public speech 

2. Assessment of your gaps in terms of delivery, effectiveness, storytelling, emotional connection and more so you have clear objective benchmarks to improve from.

3. Coaching so that you are prepared to give an outstanding talk by using proven strategies and execution tactics.

4. Video recording of the presentation so that you can review and internalize through repetition on your own time.

5. New ideas to improve what you communicate and what you could be doing prior to your presentation to maximize the impact.

6. Mindset coaching so that your body and mind are primed and exude confidence

I'm excited to work with you! Please feel free to place an order now.


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