Thursday, September 3, 2020

Coach You To Give A Kick Ass Presentation Using Stories


I recently coached a CEO who was about to pitch a budget to the company’s board. The pitch is usually a gruelling affair, but this time things were different. He decided to make his proposal using a story structure we’d worked on together. The board members listened attentively as he told a story about what he wanted to accomplish—it took him 15 minutes, with no PowerPoint deck in sight (he handed out a document with all the figures). When he had finished, the board asked him a couple of straightforward questions, then there were nods around the table, and just like that his request was granted. The CEO couldn’t believe what just had happened.

Whether it's an internal presentation to a group of decision-makers or at a conference, the judicious inclusion of stories can make the difference between being noticed or ignored. 

In our session together I will help you structure your presentation, show you where stories would go and help you find those stories. Then we will practice telling some of those stories so the audience knows why you are telling it so it has the impact you want. And if you get to video your final presentation, I will happily review it and give feedback.


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