Saturday, April 4, 2020

Demystify The Resume Writing Process Via An Online Course


Confused by all the conflicting information out there on how to win in the hiring process?

I will be conducting a one-hour online training course via Zoom once a week for four weeks.  You will have the opportunity to interact directly with me on this platform or just observe.  

The Syllabus:

Week 1: Demystifying the resume writing process, answering your questions and concerns

Week 2: Diving into your strengths and what makes you unique

Week 3: Composing the resume to attract the attention you want, including dealing with Applicant Tracking Systems

Week 4: Review of week 1-3, and avoiding the "Black Hole"; discussing out of the box approaches to getting the job, including direct tips from current HR Managers and Recruiters.

From this course you will:

  • Gain confidence in the resume writing process

  • Have important questions answered, absolving any confusing you may have had

  • Acquire knowledge and ability to write a powerful resume and how to use your resume as a tool to ace the interview and more!

The course will begin Friday, February. 27, 2020 @ 12PM PST.  You will receive a link upon signing up!



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