Thursday, April 2, 2020

Be Your Accountability Partner


Make forward progress your new normal with an accountability partner

It's important to start by saying what this gig is not.

This is not feel-good life coaching. This is not an ambiguous pep talk delivered in bite-sized increments. 

This is a means towards a measurable increase in velocity when achieving your goals.

Having built and run 2 successful companies, as well as maintained jobs across a spectrum of industries and required skillsets, I understand that blockers to progress come in all shapes and sizes, and having someone to keep you accountable can mean the difference between success and "maybe it wasn't meant for me."

If you're ready to stop responding "not much" every time someone asks you what you've been up to recently, then contact me to get started.



Staying on track. The distractions are many.


Staying focused on the goal!


Great service, very helpful


Staying focused.


I am gaining clarity.

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