Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Help You Accelerate Your Career In 20 Days


This 20-day career accelerator course will boost your chances of finding your direction, whether it would be a new job, self-development or starting as entrepreneur. It's full of practical exercises and modern career tips and templates created by a professional recruiter and career coach. 

What you'll get:

  • Better self-awareness and confidence
  • Ability to recognize your strengths and highlight them
  • Knowledge of your own personal strengths as well as potential development areas
  • Clear goals & ability to see new career opportunities
  • Information on education and training pathways and options in working life
  • Knowledge on how to get started with your own business
  • The Modern Job Seeker's Toolkit which includes:
    • A New visual CV with all those critical parts that 90% of people forget to add into their CV
    • An awesome LinkedIn profile
    • Modern online portfolio CV (like in this sample)
    • Sample storyboard and tools for creating your own video resume
    • Tools for self-branding and social media in job seeking
    • A mock interview with prerecorded top 10 questions with a self-evaluation form
    • Your personal pitch
  • A clear and workable career action plan with concrete next steps towards your new chosen direction


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