Saturday, April 4, 2020

Help You Reach Your Personal Goals


I've been crushing my goals since 2009, when I first learned the value of a personal strategy map.

In this gig, I will send you an ebook I wrote, outlining the exact steps to take and the process involved.

Most of my gigs are related to marketing; I've been in sales and marketing for years.  I have this ebook selling on other platforms and what I've realized about goals, motivation, and personal strategy is that it's almost like marketing to yourself.

In business you have sales targets.  In life you have goals.

In business you have a boss.  In life you have an accountability partner.

In business you need a strategic map.  Guess what - in life you do, too.

I'm so confident that this you'll find this incredibly useful at a low-risk price of $20, that if you truly don't feel it is, message me and I'll refund you your money.  

***Note:  February sale, $10. This is a great way to get to know me and my writing style, if you are considering buying my content marketing services.*** 


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