Friday, December 11, 2020

Advice You How To Do MBA Application Right And Get Into Top Business School


I know it's tough to make up your mind to pursue MBA when you have to juggle between your full-time work, family and your dream school. It's even tougher to prepare all the application essays, resume and interviews. It's going to be a very lonely journey that you might be lost, frustrated and confused why you are doing what you are doing. Fret not, I've been there, done that. and I'm here to support your dream. 

Coming from an engineering undergraduate background, I joined a Fortune 500 company (ABB) as a sales engineer. I spent 3 years working there and went to INSEAD for a MBA. It was absolutely one of the best decisions I've ever made, because it was truly a life-transforming experience. I changed job function and industry after my INSEAD MBA (I could have changed geography as well but I didn't take that offer). I worked in one of the Fortune 500 technologies companies as a product manager, developing industry-leading product for the global market. 

I will share with you the key strategies/common pitfalls in MBA application, help you review your MBA application essays/resume/anything you want to know. You are not alone in this journey! 


: : : : :

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