Sunday, December 13, 2020

Coach You On An Unforgettable Speech Opening


So you're ready to present to an audience but a little nervous about what to say?  Fear No More.  I have been challenged on multiple stages, classrooms just presented in front of all sorts of people, so there isn't a audience that I haven't tackled.

I'm Ernee Peppers and I've been entertaining speaking since grade school and didn't realize that I had a gift that everyone would love to have "No Fear of Public Speaking".  You and I will get the chance to chit chat video conference and tell me everything you desire your presentation to be. I will show you how you can make that happen.  Just think of me as your fairy godmother. I will teach you how to read your audience before you get on stage and how to keep them on the edge of their seats wanting more. I will show you how to use your nervousness to make you look like a pro on stage.I will also help find your authentic voice and you will deliver your dynamic speech while feeling real comfortable in your speech and master that stage.I will then capture your personality and write you a 2 min killer opening and closing that you will use time and time again.  

So I ask.  Are you ready?


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Help You Prepare And Excel In That Upcoming Interview


Congratulations! You've made it to the interview, this is is one of the most important parts of the job offer process. This is your opportunity to showcase your skills, affability and to demonstrate to your future employer that you are the right person for the job.

Our Smash That Interview Team have undertaken numerous interviews, furthermore, we have also been interviewed numerous times too! We've also experienced the cold feet and nerves and can give you some ace tips to calm those down and help you sail through the interview.

The interview preparation service allows us to test your interviewing answering skills, objective handling, and conversational skills.  

We charge a flat rate per hour. 

Many Thanks!

Smash That Interview Team


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Provide Counseling Related To Career And Financial Freedom


As a working professional, I want to share my years of experience that can help you save time, money, and energy on choosing a career that will maximize your future potential. I can help answer any questions, and give advice on how you can manage your personal finances and achieve financial freedom. This can be done through real estate investing (my favorite), or other passive income streams. 

Please choose from the following:

Career Counseling: As a working professional, I will give you career advice from what to study to which niches to specialize in. 

Real Estate Investing: Having done multiple real estate deals, I will advise you on how to find and vet the best deals to maximize your return on investment. 

Personal Finances/Financial Freedom: On a mission to financial freedom, I will advise you on your personal finances, and how you can achieve financial freedom. 


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Saturday, December 12, 2020

Help You Achieve The Success You Deserve


As an Executive Coach, I work with individuals who want to be at their best.

Do you want to…
  • Leverage your existing strengths, and achieve results faster?
  • Eliminate self-defeating and self-sabotaging behaviours?
  • See way beyond your current perspective and eliminate your career crossroads?
  • Build awareness of the factors that are keeping you stuck and inhibiting your performance?
  • Gain new confidence and a career boost following redundancy/lay-off?
  • Gain exposure to systems and models that promote greater personal effectiveness?
  • Unlock your potential for greater success?

Whether you work with a globally recognised multinational or a dynamic start-up, contact me now and get off the starting blocks!

My approach uses the concept of Integrative Momentum Coaching© which means we will work at multiple levels; behavioural, cognitive, and unconscious.

Once you have gained refreshing clarity of your goals, pick up speed with an effective six-month course designed to put you on the right track to goal achievement.

Achieving your goals may seem like an uphill struggle, but Integrative Momentum Coaching© pushes you to the summit of success.


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Use My Recruiting Experience To Edit And Format Your Resume


I will use my experience as a recruiter and HR professional to edit and format your resume. I can tailor the resume to job you are applying for if you know ,otherwise a general resume will be crafted from the basic resume items you provide me.  



Jessica was great to work with and really quick, and yes I did get the job!

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