Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Coach You On Your Career Path, Development And Promotion


As a senior international recruiter, I have guided and adviced thousands of professionals to find the right career path for them as well as given tools to best develop the profiles and make a strong impact in the job market. I am here to help you discover your career path, how to develop yourself and make the best out of your profile.

I will:

  • Send you a link to my calendar so we can connect and discuss your needs.

  • Review your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile

  • Help you discover your career path, guide you on the different options and advice on how to best develop yourself

  • Provide techniques for interviews, package negotiation, public presentations, etc.

  • Build your confidence, make the best out of your profile and provide tools to achieve your professional objectives

  • I am at your disposal for additional questions after the initial consultation

Wait no more and let me help you get a strong start on your next job opportunity! Thank you for reading and stopping by! 



Claudia is great! she walked me through all my doubts and questions and is very experienced in her field! Absolutely recommend her to anyone wanting career advice!


She is well experienced in the HR field and suggests to me useful information about how to improve my self to be a professional HR officer and overcome my weaknesses. Thank you so much!


Thank you so much again!! I really recommend her for everyone

: :

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