Friday, October 30, 2020

Coach You For Your Consulting Case Interview English Or German


I am an Engagement Manager at a leading strategy consultancy in Germany and the Netherlands and have conducted >100 case interviews. I have multiple real cases to practice with you.

You can book hours from me for a Zoom call, during this call we can do the following:
- Q&A on consulting: what are differences between firms, is consulting something for you?
- Mock personality questions interview: ace the first part of any interview (motivation, strengths, weaknesses, ...)
- Mock case interview: the centerpiece of any consulting interview: I can explain how to structure, what interviewers expect, etc. OR much better: we practice together!

My focus of expertise is rather Europe, so if you intend to apply on a different continent, shoot me a message before.

As I work a lot during the week (it's consulting...), I am often only available on the weekends, that's why I set the 5 days delivery. Usually I can make the next weekend work.

We can do the interviews in English or German.


: : : : :

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