Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Be Your Life Coach And Business Coach


Hi! My name is Anika and I am a systemic coach and want to support you solving challenging situations in your personal and business life.

Albert Einstein says: "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." 

As a systemic coach I believe that you already know the best solutions for your challenges. 

My job is to make sure, that you get access to a different kind of thinking to find new and better solutions.

Do you 

  • want to change your job?
  • have to make a challenging life/ business decision?
  • have arguments and conflicts with e.g. friends, your significant other, boss, colleagues etc.?
  • want to explore your personal strengths? 

I am happy to support you!

We can do our sessions via Zoom, Jitsi or Skype.

Online coaching is a very good opportunity to work on challenging topics from a comfortable and familiar space - your own home. Just make sure, you won't get disturbed and have a piece of paper and a few pens handy.


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