Friday, November 27, 2020

Provide Professional Resume Services And Job Search Advice


You are on a career journey- perhaps displaced as a result of the current world events, or maybe just starting your journey. Or, you are mid-career and needing a change- requiring a fresh set of eyes on your plan. I am here to help. 

With nearly 30 years of business experience- including many years of hiring people, I've seen thousands of resumes-both good & not so good. I've helped dozens of people in preparing resumes/CVs/Cover Letters for job opportunities. I've seen it, done it and experienced it. I've counselled countless people on how to best find their personal passion & set a course towards a truly rewarding and fulfilling career. I am happy to do the same for you!

The world has changed, and as we move into the "Post-Pandemic Economy", if you've been displaced, you MUST be ready to adapt quickly. I'm here to review your resume, offer advice and support, as well as guidance through the process of making a successful career transition.

Perhaps you haven't been displaced- that's great, but recognize now that the world is about to be very different- and you need to be ready to adapt and overcome. Put my experience to work for you today!


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