Sunday, November 1, 2020

Help You Choose Your Career


To choose a career nowadays is not a simple feat!  So help is needed to guide the inquirer  so that appropriate studies and preparation can be made. There are so many areas from which to choose and there are many factors that should be taken into account.

So to be on the cutting edge one must start looking at career choice from school days.  And

 even then, most persons are changing career in their late forties.  This happens as their perspective of life change, they take on more studies and sometimes they want to reinvent themselves. 


It must be noted that different persons will want career choice based on what is happening in the economy; Another consideration  is the lifestyle he wants to live.  Will this salary allow for his expensive taste in clothing, travelling just to name a few  items.

I will examine these and other issues such as length of working years, the use of  hobbies or  talents as ones career path.  Technology has opened up new career paths  so this too will  be explored. Make contact today so resources can be made available and recommendations can be given



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