Friday, November 20, 2020

Coach You Towards Self Awareness And Decision Making


A COACH is a catalyst and facilitator for growth and change, who plays a supportive role in your coaching journey.

Here are a few reasons how I can support you through this journey:

  • Clarifying values to make better choices/decisions and life purpose
  • Learning to take responsibility and personal accountability to get back on track and move forward after a temporary derailment
  • Expanding/discovering/exploring personal potential/abilities and taking action
  • Addressing self-sabotaging behavior and destructive self-talk, such as:

I can't do it, Things will never change, I'll never succeed, so why try, I do not have the time, My day is filled with to-do lists...

  • Take courage and have the confidence to step out of your comfort zones
  • Building effective teams

One or all of the above points may be topics for my CLIENT's to work with, which will facilitate changes and to move forward independently.

NOTICE: NO SHOW at scheduled session. I make time for you, if you for some reason cannot make it, please let me know 24 hours before so we can reschedule.



I was pleasantly surprised with the overall experience. Coach-Len listened carefully and shared tools and ideas that were tailored to my specific needs. I knew within this first session that I was on the right track and with the right life coach. He is an adept listener and gives finely crafted feedback and reflection. The overall experience was awesome and will definitely recommend Len.

: : : :

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