Monday, August 24, 2020

Provide Complete Job Search Package, CV, Cover Letter, Linkedin Writing Services


The Complete Job Search Package by Sana Mehar

Get help with your entire job search - from your resume to your LinkedIn profile to interviewing tips 


- professional LinkedIn profile development or editing services (fully formed profile outline)

- one (1) professionally written resume (up to two pages long) highlighting your skills, experience, and education

- one (1) professionally written cover letter (up to one page long) emphasizing the most compelling aspects of your resume

- one (1) professionally written interview follow-up/thank you letter (up to one page long)

- three (3) versions of your new documents: formatted Word, formatted PDF, and plain text versions

- the Changeability Career Services "Resume Template Instructions" document to guide you through future resume edits

- a list of common job interview questions

- an interviewing tips and guidance document


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