Friday, September 11, 2020

Provide Coaching For Developing Or Changing Your Career


  • Are you stuck in a career that you aren't comfortable with, enjoying, or lacking inspiration in?
  • Do you feel your current career has limited options for your growth and development?
  • Do you wish for a change, but feel like you have too many options to pursue? 

A few years ago, I answered yes to all of these questions and found myself stuck in a career that wasn't for me, despite everyone thinking it was the dream job. I went on a personal journey and worked through my goals, skills and limitations to understand the options available to me. This journey ultimately lead me to change career to one that was my dream.

I have worked with peers, friends and strangers to apply the thinking I used to change my career to their own circumstances and navigate their own life choices towards a new career goal. 

If you find yourself answering yes to one or more of these questions, then you too could need that direction to navigate your life choices. Together, we will discuss your circumstances, skills and barriers to success, to articulate new goals and the route to achieving them.


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