Friday, September 11, 2020

Provide Career Coaching Sessions


Sending in 100s of applications with no luck? Having difficulty closing interviews? Need some career guidance? 

With 5+ Years Career Coaching within the Tech Industry, I'm Here to Help You Land Your Dream Job! Here's what you can expect:

Career Guidance: Are you in the right industry? Is your current skill set enough to be competitive to advance in your field? 

Resume Writing: Is your resume catching the attention of recruiters? Are you properly communicating your work experience to enhance your candidate profile? What are the do's and don'ts around page length/resume design?

LinkedIn Optimization: Are you utilizing the correct keywords in your headline to stand out? Have you customized your profile URL yet? Are you taking advantage of all the job search settings within LinkedIn?



Frances did a great job giving me professional advice and addressing some of my specific goals and challenges


Value for money! Working with Frances allowed my to think differently about how i position myself as a senior marketing manager. I was able to re-design my resume, cover letters and linkedin content to reflect how i wanted to be perceived in the market. Frances was professional, quick to respond and offered valuable insights, a joy to work with!


Highly recommend Frances! She gave me excellent recommendations for my resume and my LinkedIn profile. She works very fast as I got my full report in a few days. When I sent her some follow up questions, she immediately responded and I felt she truly listened to my feedback. Small price to pay to level your career profile!


francesyoungto is great! She provides insightful feedback and takes a holistic and thorough when evaluating your resume and LinkedIn Profile. She is extremely knowledgeable about helping you to attain your career goals as well as the digital marketing and tech industry. Her experience and knowledge are worth the money you will spend. She will help you to attain the job you have been looking for! I will definitely be using her services again in the future!


I had a fruitful and most productive time working with Frances. She knows her craft well, an expert. I learned a lot from her. I have more confidence in fine tuning my job application as soon as I graduate this summer. Thank you Frances.

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