Saturday, December 28, 2019

Conduct Phone Interviews With Potential Candidates


MBA with coursework in HR, Marketing, Analysis, and Business

Over 20 years in administrating: Sourcing, Screening, Performance Evaluations, & Project Management. Experience spans both private and public sectors

Phone screening is vital when you want to save time, money and energy during your hiring process.  Most candidates can hard to reach, and it can take lots of hours trying to find the right one. 

When you order a recorded pre-screen, YOU are still phone screening, but just at YOUR convenience---- You can listen and make decisions on candidates at any hour of the night!

 I do the leg-work in scheduling and conducting the interview at a time that works for the candidate-- asking them 5 questions that you provided; recording the whole call and sending a digital audio file to you soon after.  Gig price includes 2-3 email attempts to schedule interview, depending upon the gig you purchase, audio file formatting and preparation.  Premium gig includes a contact point tracker. 

Your company brand looks more polished and attractive to potential rock-star employees!

Other services may be available:  contact with questions!



Great service. Kept me informed throughout the process. Very good interviewer.

: : : :

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