This complete eBook tells you everything you need to know to run a successful network marketing business. Peter Simmons personally sold over 10 million dollars in products and services and became one of the top marketers in Donald Trump's network marketing company. He met Mr. Trump who knew his success story.In this eBook Mr. Simmons teaches you what you need to know to be successful. The eBook reviews:
-winning scripts - closing techniques - approaching your warm, hot and cold markets - 21 sources of leads - a bonus lead generating internet marketing system - how to use the telephone - how to create a duplicatable business model.
With the other levels you can get one on one coaching.
It's all here. Exclusively on Fiverr.com
Peter Simmons
Seller's Response:
I purchased this gig to help my team and I build a network. Never heard from the seller at all during the wait. The product was delivered on the 3rd day. I have not had an opportunity to review the document in full. I don't know if what I was looking for like conversation starters (role play), some what-not-to-do's, etc. is what you are looking for - if so, then this might be a decent start.
:fast delivery
:Excellent work provided. I am blown away by the extend of knowledge this seller has.
:Very good information, thank you
:Thanks. And thanks for the tip! let me know how it's going in about a month. Peter
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