Thursday, March 26, 2020

Help Prepare You For An Upcoming Interview


I have interviewed countless candidates for new hire and internal promotion opportunities throughout my career. Take advantage of my insight into this highly competitive process. You possess the skill set - my role is to make sure you sell yourself in the most effective way possible.

Whether general or specific to your industry and role questions, my conversational and supportive approach with give you real-time and candid feedback, along with a wealth of suggestions, phrasings, and alternate approaches.

Flexible scheduling and quick turnaround time. A friendly, collaborative atmosphere less focused on the clock and more about your level of readiness.

All 3 packages require your most recent resume in advance, emailed or cloud-shared.

Standard and Premium require advanced notice of the specific position and industry you are interviewing for, along with the opportunity for me to ask clarifying questions about the role and your experience.


I am more than happy to work with you to create customized jobs to your specifications.



I requested the seller to come up with possible interview questions for a job interview I have coming up, based on the company's values and competency requirements. I was totally blown away by the sheer quality and quantity of the work put in, it far exceeded my expectations. I am so incredibly impressed and am very grateful for his help. It was worth every single penny, and more. This is going to make my life so much easier preparing for the big day. I can't thank you enough Sir, you did a fantastic job, keep up the good work Sir.

: : : :

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