Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Work With You To Achieve Your Vision For Life


Don't just be good, be great!

We all have dreams in life but one of the hardest parts is FULLY understanding what they really are and taking action to start working toward those dreams.

With a track record over 20 years working with teams and individuals in multi million organisations, as as being a qualified sports coach, I will provide personal coaching by email to guide you through the process of understanding your ambitions and setting your goals using SMART principles.

Using the Whole/Part/Whole approach to coaching that is proven in the world of sports coaching, we will incrementally improve your approach to achieving your vision, always looking for higher performance and reflecting on the achievements you've made.

Having the right vision and understanding your own beliefs and values is incredibly powerful - by understanding and aligning our goals, beliefs and values we can bring true purpose to our lives.

I will help you develop and implement the road map to achieving your vision.  In doing so, we will set regular reflection points where you will pause for thought and review progress to date, celebrate success and make adjustments to your road map if required.


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